Wee Bee Trackin Search And Rescue Dogs
About Us
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    My daughter Nicole and I started out by raising a guide dog puppy with the 4-H; after that I just had a desire to own a bloodhound. I wasn't sure why.  I had no previous knowledge of the breed and had never owned a pure bred dog before; except for the German Shepard Guide Dog For The Blind; In fact I was a cat person not a dog person. Now I can't imagine my life without my dogs. I spent 3 years hunting down a breeder and finally found one close to home. It took another 2 years of waiting for them to breed before I got my first bloodhound. Those two years were spent reading and learning all about the breed. I looked up the breeders after the litter was to have been born, only to find they had moved to Coalville Utah, with no way to get their address, as their phone was not working yet.  I took vacation and put my nose to the ground and then to the wind and hunted around until I found a home in Coalville with bloodhounds running around the yard. "Found um" and the pups were 4 weeks old.  I was able to pick out my puppy.(Diamond J's Mountain Dew)  I was so taken with the litter, that I also picked out a red male. (Duke of Frederick's Way)  I made a trip back when they were 8 weeks old and happily took them home to my 10 acre wilderness lot in northern Nevada. They quickly became the largest part of the family. Having them as inside dogs,   I quickly learned  a lot about the breed and their personalities  and they learned about mine.   I found that they are very smart. They quickly learned how to open the French doors and come in and out as they pleased, from every screen door as well.  If I could only get them to close the door after they come in.   I soon learned that a slob rag was a necessity at every door. And after every meal and drink.
When the pups became 3 month of age I began experimenting with  mantrailing. It was easier than I thought. They are naturals; and loved playing hide and go seek.  I was forever hooked.

Breeding of the bloodhounds is not an easy task; and I now understand why I had to wait so long to get my puppies.  After breeding my female to a local working law enforcement and search bloodhound I really learned all about the breed. The pups are so cute and fun. But what a lot of work! And BIG RESPONSIBLITY. If your thinking of being a breeder 
Think Again!            "If it can go wrong.......... It will !"
My daughter Nicole began educating the 4-H members about the breed the day I brought them home.  They became almost every demonstration for her local 4-H club, and it soon became the topic of every report, as well as high school and later college reports.

My daughter and I became certified in wilderness mantrailing  at The Canine Training Academy and are continuing our education in all areas of search and rescue. I am Nevada state certified in visual awareness and wilderness man tracking. I regularly attend NASAR, NV State Washoe County SAR conferences, Elko County Sheriff's posse SAR training and hope to attend many other such training conferences in the future,

I am a member of The American Bloodhound Club, NASAR, Reserve Officer with Elko Count Sheriff's Dept. and now Deputy Commander for the Elko County Sheriff's Posse  Search And Rescue Unit.  
I  love to share information with others. I love to help those that
                                    come to me for advise on the breed and
                 My bloodhound story
Janet And K-9 Domino Posse Search Excerise
Photo by Sweet Light Photography
Janet & K-9 Lady Copper at SARCON 2003
Copper At SARCON 2003   5 mos.
         Domino and Janet
       At Posse Test Search
Jant at 4-H camp doing a demo on How to stay safe and be found in the wilderness
Janet and K9 Copper doing a demo on how bloodhounds scent  in contaminated areas to make the find.  Thank you Lamoille 4-H'er Jema Gallio for getting lost for the Demo
Janet And K9 Copper make the find and answer questions from 4-H campers   Back up and visual tracker  Mike Haddenham and Investigative Tracker Charlie Ekburg assisst in informing how to NOT get lost and what to do IF YOU DO GET LOST!
I take my breeding and training very seriously, and work hard to give law enforcement and search and rescue units the best puppies from each litter; as well as sound and healthy puppies to everyone.  I stand by my health guaranty, and hope that someday soon all law enforcement and SAR units will be able to have bloodhounds available to aid in searches. 
I love the Nobility and Greatness of this Breed     Yes, I'm Hooked!
4-H Demo at 4-H Camp 2002 
4-H Demo at 4-H Camp 2003 
4-H Demo at 4-H Camp 2003 
Janet and K-9 Copper SARCON 2004
Sgt. Childs and K-9 Copper
Jonah Libsack and K-9 Zoey SARCON 2004
Jonah Libsack and K-9 Zoey
        SARCON 2004
Hot Stay  SARCON 2004
Hot Load  SARCON 2004
Washoe County  NV Sate Certification man tracking and visual awareness class Nov. 2005
Washoe County Nevada State P.O.S.T. Certification Visual        Awareness and Wilderness Man Tracking Class
                                  November 2005
Elko County Nevada State P.O.S.T. Certification Visual Awareness and Search & Rescue Man Tracking Class
                                  August 2008
Back Row: Rick Glass, Kathy Wolf, Tony Buettner, John Carey, Kathy Black, Instr., Instr. 
Front Row: Lead Instr. Fernando Moreira, Sandy Ekburg, Com. Charlie Ekburg, Dep. Com. Janet Childs, Mike Brown, Instr. , and Dave Priest
A Tracker's Prayer
Poem by Wayne Runkles

Lord, give me the strength upon this day
To cut the sign along the way.
Lord, give me the sight upon this time
To see the picture and cut the sign.
Lord, give me the knowledge upon this track
To find the lost and bring them back.

In loving Memory of a fallen comrade
Dave Priest 2008.

Building Our Fanny Packs For Life and demostrating the needs for each item
Charlie and Janet Prepar for the demo
Janet explains the items in our packs while
Charlie demonstrates a "Keep You Warm Shelter".
Step by step instructions while we build our
"Fanny Packs For Life"
Elko County Sheriff’s Posse, Search and Rescue (ECSAR) choose Myla and Chilz Negrete as the first place winners for their age groups in a coloring contest held recently at Grammar #2’s Safety Fair.

ECSAR members asked contestants to color ESCAR’s unit patch and winners were to receive a fanny pack, filled with items basic to wilderness survival.

Myla and Chilz met with ESCAR leaders on April 3rd to assemble their fanny packs and listen to the history of the packs and instructions for their use.

The packs are called, “Fanny Packs for Life” by their architect, Janet Childs, who named them in honor of Kathleen Galindo who became lost and was later found deceased in Lamoille Canyon over Memorial Day in 2004.

J. Childs will always wonder if Kathleen’s fate would have been different if she had the knowledge of this training with her.  Kathleen’s memory has inspired Childs to provide this information to as many children as possible.

C. Ekburg and J. Childs, the Commander and Deputy Commander of the Elko County Search and Rescue (Posse) on invitation, carry this Fanny Packs for Life program into scouting events and to school aged children talking to them about surviving in the wilderness in the event they become lost and how to optimize their odds of being discovered unharmed.